Friday, February 23, 2007

Netflix - Watch it now

Netflix has a fairly new feature called "Instant Watching". They stream movies for watching. This is a "free" service they are slowly releasing out to customers. I found it available to me today. They have a number of movies available for streaming ("More being added every day!"), many of them are older.

They allow the same number of streaming hours per month as the number of dollars you are paying them per month. For us, that means we can stream 24 hours worth of movies each month. I'll have to play with it a little.

Tara is a little excited about it because they have several movies available that I have in my queue, but she doesn't want to watch. (Like Soylent Green and The Day the Earth Stood Still.)

I'll update here after I have tried it out.

1 comment:

jjp said...

Foosa! It's made of Foosa!

I watched Soylent Green. It's kind of odd/funny in the odd sort of 70's Sci-Fi movie sort of way.

The stream worked very well. No cutting out for loading or anything silly like that. I paused the movie for something like an hour and a half. After about a 2 second delay, the movie picked right back up.