Monday, February 26, 2007


Our mattress is shot. (At least my side of the thing is.) As in "you lay on it, and the first thing you notice are the springs in the mattress" shot. This isn't all that comfortable for me, for the past few months, I have had a wool blanket floded up over my side of the bed. If you roll over just right, there is a 1/4 inch drop to the other side. It's kind of annoying.

We went and got a foam mattress topper tonight. It has 2.5" of memory foam and a 1.5" 'down-like' microfiber fill. It was making me sleepy looking at it.

We brought it home, and the directions said you have to spread out the memory foam for 24-72 hours for it to retain it's shape and thickness. This is not something I bargained for. I was ready to use it right away. My 4" of luxurious sleep padding just won't happen tonight. And maybe not tomorrow night, although I'm not sure how we will be able to keep the girls off of it for a full day.

We put the 1.5" microfiber top on the bed, and took off the wool blanket. It's like having abrand new pillow top. I'll keep you updated on how the 4" total solution goes, provided I can force myself out of bed on Wednesday morning after using it. Otherwise, I might have to plug the wireless back in and start "Working from home"...

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