Sunday, February 11, 2007


Emma's Sunbeam class today had me come in and talk a little bit about her. When I came in, the kids were all facing the other direction, one of the teachers was reading a book to them. Eventually, when it was time, everyone turned around, Emma was suprised to see me there. (She was paying attention to the book, after all.)

The first fact I told them was that Emma likes to dance to Ray Charles. This fact did not impress the other 3 year olds. I told them she currently has a kangaroo theme in her dancing, yet another fact that failed to get a response. (We had thought this was a bunny theme in the dancing, but I found out that it was kangaroo a couple of days ago.)

I pulled out her doll to show, and her hat, no one seemed impressed. Then I pulled out a picture of Emma from a year ago, and for some reason, everyone got excited.

Emma seemed to enjoy being talked about. We talked about how she now has a haircut just like me, how her and Ruth watch a show every morning, and stuff like that. I didn't get into the fact that she's a lefty, it was a tough crowd, after all.

We had several people ask us to substitute for various classes in primary next week. It sounds like half the ward is leaving for the holiday. So far, we didn't say yes to any of them. (The nursery asked, but it's hard to be in the nursery when we have Lily with us. Mary's class asked, but we were the first parents they saw, so Tara told them to call back if they can't get anyone else.)

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