Saturday, May 06, 2006


The first of Tara's irises bloomed today. When we first bought our house, we planted tomato plants out front thinking there was not a whole lot of stuff planted there. (I accidently started digging up the tulips that were there, then moved them to other places in the yard.)

There ended up being an iris plant smack dab in the middle of of the 'bed' in front of the house. We didn't see see it at all the first year or two. (I won't rule out an untimely demise from a weed whip...) One year it popped out, to Tara's suprise. The last couple of years, we saw 3 blossoms out of the thing. Today, as you can see, there are three blossoms poking out, but there are 5 other blossoms coming right behind it. I'm not sure what we have done to encourage the thing, but it's growing like gangbusters.

Up next: The rose bush out back. (But first it has to bloom.)

1 comment:

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