Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Sometimes nothing really happens

Last Thursday, someone at work came up to me and told me about how his wife works at a high school here, and she was told by a student that heard from some friends in the next high school over the latino club of that other school was planning on bringing guns on the 1st and shooting any white kid who didn't support their little walkout.

Well, this guy's wife went and told the principal about it, he basically laughed it off and didn't sound like he would do anything about it. (This is the story as I heard it, being 3rd hand by this time.) I called Drew, because even if this is just a rumor, the police need to know about it. Drew got the report filed.

Later that night, I get a call from this guy saying that he was in big trouble with his wife, the prinicpal came storming in, demanding to know who called the cops. He said he "had the situation under control." Friday morning, I get this nasty email from the wife saying how "embarrassed and disappointed she was, etc, etc." This is no skin off my nose, her huband still agrees that the right thing to do was to file the report, and people have been mad at me before, and I am pretty sure I will have people mad at me in the future...

Anyway, Drew said that they had plainclothes officers and unmarked cars monitoring the local 'walkout', and that both school officers for each high school we ticked off that the principal did not report the thing in the first place. Nothing ended up happening, but if it had, I would have been the first person in the Mayor's office looking for action against the principal.

Anyhow, nothing happened, thank goodness, and peace reigns in the land again. (At least until you go to the gas station...) If I hear about something like this again, I will still report it, it's the right thing to do. (Even if someone becomes embarrassed and disappointed at me because of it.)

1 comment:

Mom said...

Absolutely report it! There are so many horrible incidents that could be avoided if people just had the courage to report what they have heard. And, those principals should be losing their jobs over this one. Obviously they haven't heard of Columbine, or Paducah..... I think that the parents of the students who go to those schools should be storming the principals offices.