Thursday, July 12, 2007

Campus Security

I ended up at work most of the night. (It's not light out yet, so it's not all night.) The details don't matter, it's related to semi-annual patching I do.

About an hour and a half ago, University Police were in the office, and ID'ed me. It's been a long time since I've been ID'ed by them. (They normally don't pay a whole lot of attention to our building...) Anyway, I checked out ok (especially since I was listed in the HR database as a full time "Systems Administrator".)

Back in the day, dispatch used to know who I was. I used to talk to them every Saturday closing up the old Datacenter. (And sometimes on Sunday, when I had to get back in.) For a few years, I ran their main server. Before our current data center was built, I had to go over to the library Data Center occasionally in the middle of the night. They have all kinds of sensors and stuff in there. I had a set path I was supposed to follow every time I went in their at night. Once when a server was down, I must have veered off the path a little, and tripped a silent alarm. An hour and a half later, after getting the server fixed, I wandered out of their data center. Going up the stairs, a cop and a janitor stopped me and asked who I was. They had been wandering around for about an hour looking for me.

It's just a good thing I wasn't wearing my new shirt. I'd tell you about it, but I don't want Drew to find out about it before he sees it. I will tell you about it later. Just know that I don't think I want to be pulled over while wearing it...

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