Sunday, July 01, 2007

No blowing my hand off for me

We live close enough to the mountain that lighting fireworks off in our area has been banned for a number of years now. (Several years ago there was a fire started on the mountain that spread like crazy and took a long time to put out. It gave us something to look at night, though.)

This year it's very dry. We've had a number of grass fires spring up from random stuff already. (Last week, a tractor started a grass fire in the canyon that went for a number of days.)

The city has banned all fireworks in the city boundaries except for a few parks over by the lake. (At least any place that is within 20 feet of weeds, grass, trees, or structures. I think that pretty much covers it.) I don't blame them. I have only watered my grass once in the last 2 1/2 weeks, I think one little spark on the front lawn would start a fire. I kind of expect some sort of fire to start over by the mountain this year. We've had a couple of years of good growth up there, but it's brown enough right now that I can tell, and I have heard a few fireworks going off somewhere nearby tonight. I can just see some uninformed (or uncaring) person thinking that going over near the mountain would be a good place to light off fireworks, and starting an inferno.

Back in the day, Rob's sister would have us over for Pioneer Day, we would light off a whole bunch of illegal fireworks from Missouri. 2 years ago, we went down to Drew's place to light off fireworks, but he's got a swimming pool he's building back there right now. Last year we went to Tara's parents house, but they don't run their swamp cooler, I gets awfully hot up there, and it's going to push over 100 degrees every day this week. I would much rather have Tara's parents come down here, and we can enjoy the holiday without lighting off any fireworks.

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