Friday, July 13, 2007

Game Time

Last night we played Age of Empires again: Dad, Dave, Rob, and me.

The first game, we were in a rematch of the 3 vs 1 game from last week, except we gave Rob 1 hard comp for his team. We got to the point where it was just getting interesting, and lightning stuck near Dad's house. Something happened, the game got hung, when the other 3 of us got it so Dad was out of the game, the game said it was out of sync and ended.

We tried to play a second game, Free for all. As we got to the point where we could start attacking, Ruth woke up screaming. I didn't end up playing at all after that. (The girls were in their rooms, but being crazy, Lily and Ruth both needed diaper changes, that sort of thing.)

From what I could tell, Rob ended up winning the game.

I might have to stop playing Thursday nights...


Anonymous said...

Say it ain't so John Payne. You must play on Thursdays. I enjoy crushing you.

Besides, it's a funny coincidence that you had distractions at the same time my army walked into your base...

jjp said...

It would have been a different story had we gotten to finish the first game.

Anonymous said...

you may have still won, but i was better prepared for a 2nd assault than you think.