Monday, July 02, 2007

Meeting people

On Saturday, I took the girls to a Children's Parade. They do this in town every year before the big parade on the 4th, where they let the kids walk about 3/4 of a mile down the street, and a local dairy company donates thousands of Popsicles for everyone to eat after.

Lots of people get all decked out for the thing, we don't, we just go down there to try to get them to burn off some energy. (It's a mile and a half round trip...) The girls seem to like it, I hope it's not just because they get to walk down the middle of the street. (Emma enjoys waving at people, we should have gone and gotten some candy to throw at the spectators.)

This year, the girls were intent on finding Drew. He was working, I figured it gave them something to do while they walked. We got down to the end of the thing, and didn't see Drew, so I called him. Turns out he was stationed at the very beginning of the parade, we missed him somehow. He was gone by then.

On our way back to the car, I saw Jose Enriquez. He hasn't changed a bit in 10 years. He's got 2 girls, and lives 15 miles North of us. It sounds like he's doing well. (Although he seemed a little taken back by the fact that I had 5 girls...)

I don't see many people I knew my freshman year in college very often any more. I suppose they have scattered to the 4 winds...

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