Saturday, March 21, 2009

Game Time

Settlers of Catan with Catan Event cards variant

For Christmas, Tara got me a "Traders and Barbarians" expansion of Catan, which has information and stuff for variants of the Catan games, and some scenarios for the games.

Tonight we played Catan with "Catan Event cards". The cards replace the dice, with enough of each numbered card to match the probability of the number. Some of the cards also have some sort of event with them. (Like take a card of your choice, move the robber back to the desert, breaka road, etc)

The game takes just as long to play as the regular game, which for us is two and a half hours because of all the interruptions that exist at our house in the evenings... I won, getting the longest road, and a point from a development card.

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