Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Kindergarden program - next year in Mandarin!

Emma has often read this little thing from her class, she has had it since the beginning of the year. It met its demise recently, because it kept falling off the wall, and we got tired of it.

Emma was in the Kindergarten program last Friday. We finally got smart, and sent Kate with the camera to take pictures. She looks sad here, but she had a great time up there, I guess Kate wanted the one time Emma wasn't talked, singing, or smiling...

Here she is hamming things up.

Way up there, Emma is telling everyone she gets a ride to school. That was her big line. It is our third one of these, the actors are always different but the lines are always the same. I will have it memorized by the time everyone here at the house gets a chance...

Tonight, Tara went to the school to sign Emma up for the Mandarin language immersion program that starts next year. Half the day will be in English, half the day will be in Mandarin. Emma would continue year after year in the program. I plan to get the Rosetta Stone program, so that someone around here can figure out what in the world Emma is talking about. They plan to only start people in first grade, so Kate and Mary miss out, but all the other kids can get the opportunity. We think it is a good thing.

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