Saturday, March 07, 2009

Time paradox nearly avoided. Or is it?

I set my phone phone alarm for 8am tomorrow. I figured this was fine. 10 minutes ago, I remembered this blog post, about how my phone is not a clock in its' time functions, it is a computer. This requires a 7am alarm setting, not a 8am setting.

If I am wrong, I fear I will be awake at 6am, my head is starting to hurt. Who thought this all up, anyway?

The thing I know for sure is that the only thing the time change is good for is to get us to church late tomorrow...

1 comment:

jjp said...

I am happy to report that the alarm went off when I wanted it to. Or sort of wanted it to, I was still kind of sleepy when it went off, but it was 8am, anyhow.