Saturday, March 07, 2009

List of Demands

This morning, I was making pancakes for the girls. After about 15 minutes straight of nonstop demands from Lily and Ruth, I snapped. After recovering, I decided to make my own list of demands. My list:

  1. 15 headbands found (They found 10. I still call this a win.)
  2. Dresses hung up - Kate got this one.
  3. Stuffed animals put away. Unfulfilled.
  4. Beds made - check.
  5. Back room cleaned to be baby proof - Kate also got this one.
  6. Kitchen cleaned - I did the dishes, Kate did the floor. I wouldn't exactly call the thing clean at this point.
  7. Bedrooms picked up. This is in varying states of completion. Emma may or may not be working on her room right now in order to play Webkins. Mary seems to be doing 10 minutes of cleaning and 20 minutes of goofing off in her room.
  8. Bedrooms vacuumed. Hard to do when the rooms are not clean.
  9. All rabbit stuff cleaned up - side and back. I want to move the rabbit back into the back yard at this point. It had been in the carport for the Winter. I think Kate got the back cleaned up, but I didn't go out to check. She didn't get around to the carport.
  10. All kids stuff out of my room. I just tripped over a little girls shoe a few minutes ago, they didn't get to this one.
  11. Front hallway cleaned - Kate did this one too.
Maybe I should have made 95 demands and nailed them to the front door. I might have gotten further that way. If not for Kate, very little would have gotten done around here...

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