Thursday, March 19, 2009

Restaurant Review


Before we went to the play tonight, we went to a place called Zupas. They had soup, salad, and sandwiches. I figured it was ok, because I had a couple of pieces of last nights steak for a late lunch. (No gravy)

I really can't do sandwiches these days, and salad does not a meal make, unless there is an abundance of meat on the said salad.

This restaurant has full servings or half servings of all their stuff. They also have a 2 item deal, where you get 2 halves of anything.

Tara wanted the 2 item thing, and ordered a salad, sandwich, and soup. I think it all looked really good to her...

None of their salads really stood out to me, so I decided to get a full soup. They had a special of the day, Irish Stew, I asked them what was in it.

...Time passes...

The girl decided it was beef and other things. She thought it was good, and wanted to know if I wanted to try a sample. I had her go try to find out what was in it. Chaos ensues. The girl went in the back twice, then got another guy off the sandwich area, they both went into the kitchen. When they came out, they told me there was beef, celery, cabbage, and other stuff. Hilarious.

After hearing the "other stuff" ingredient, I ordered the chicken enchilada chili soup. The bowl seemed kind of small to me. When we paid, the cashier added up 2 sets of the 2 item meal. It took me about 10 more minutes to figure out that I only got a half bowl of soup. Fine by me, I didn't like the chicken enchilada chili soup all that much. It was really bland and just a little off. Or old. Or something.

I to get another drink, and saw people with really big bowls of soup. Then I was sure I only got a half bowl of soup. I went back up, and got a half bowl of gumbo. The gumbo was very nice.

In the end, it was just soup, so after the play, I had a can of salt and vinegar Pringles...

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