Monday, March 09, 2009

New plan

One night last week, quite a bit of craziness, I told the girls that if I saw them again that night I would charge them a dollar. It seems those girl know the value of a buck.

Tonight I decided that I didn't want to wait for the circus to get in full swing. As they got ready to go to bed, I told them if they were asleep in 30 minutes, I would give them a dollar. If they were up later than that, it would cost them a dollar.

It seems this worked pretty good. Kate, Mary, and Emma appear to have earned themselves a dollar. About a half hour ago, Ruth tried being sneaky. Or as sneaky as a four year old can be. She loses a dollar.

Net result, I am out two dollars. If I do that every day for a month, that's $60. I wouldn't mind being out a hundred dollars, really, because if those girls got into a habit of going to sleep every night right when we put them to bed, life would be sweet.

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