Monday, March 23, 2009

Her engineer is showing...

The little girls like to watch a show called "Little Einstein's" on the Disney channel. It is a cartoon about music, mostly, they have a little rocket ship they ride around in. To get the rocket ship to go, they pat their hands on their laps, and get the audience to also. (To give it more power...)

This evening, they were watching one of the recording of the show, Emma said "That ship never has enough power. There must be a better way to do it. Maybe they can take it apart and put it back to together or something. Maybe it should run on electricity or wind or the sun or something."

Hard to argue with that reasoning.


Sarah Burgoyne said...

Very logical :) I love the way childrens minds sometimes work.

Tommy said...

It's kinda funny now, but just wait till she starts taking apliances apart.

jjp said...

How is that different from anything I do around here?

Tommy said...

Yeah but you can get them back together, and that's the real trick.