Sunday, February 05, 2006

2006 Goal Update - 5 Feb

1: Move up on ITRC forums. I am currently at 3478 points. (81 points this week) This vaults me three spaces to position 152 on the list. Since the beginning of the year, I have accumilated 256 total points, most from posts that got 10 points. (The highest a post can get.) Hopefully that means I have been able to help people out. Funny enough, most of those posts have also been at night, not during the day when I am at work. I just get kind of busy during the day and don't always take the time to answer questions.

2: Mission Journal - No progress made. It won't happen today, either. I have to go home teaching after church, then finish writing all the thank you letters for the Stake President from Stake Conference. (Not really looking forward to it, and I don't remember what 2 of the people talked about.) I have to work at 10pm tonight, all night, and I also hope to get some sleep in before that.

3: Garden Retaining Wall - Spring 2006

4: 6 Wooden Chairs - Spring 2006

5: Weight - 216 right now. (Down 3 from last week. Could anyone tell?) The Doughnuts and Soda team is not doing so hot, one of the guys gained some weight last weekend.

6: Gazelle - Not used this week. In an interesting development, I moved it into our bedroom where Ruth's crib used to be. We'll see if that helps any.

7: Vacation - "President's Day" - Age of Empires III round 2. Bring it on, Drew and Tom. (Rob had wanted to get in on it from NYC, and I figured a way to get him onto my local LAN, but it turns out he doesn't actually have a copy of AoE3.)

Wasting time update - 310 badges at MSN games. Only one more than last week. I guess I was busy this week...

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