Sunday, February 05, 2006

Sunday Night Fish Fry

AKA: Anyone need a fish tank?
or Ding, Dong, the Fish is dead
or No toilet flush for you, here's the disposal
or Maybe we should have fed that one...

We found one of the Betas dead tonight. We had 2 of them, we got them at a wedding in Florida nearly 2 years ago. At first, we tried to ditch them in Buffalo, but that didn't work, they ended up coming home with us.

For a year, this fish lived in it's little plastic cup. It seemed happy there, for a while. I used to clean the cup out with an eye dropper, sucking out all the junk. About a year ago, we decided to get this fish it's own bowl.

I don't think the fish every really liked the bowl. Or maybe it didn't like the way Kate once knocked the shelf it was on over and nearly knocked the fish out of it's bowl. Or it didn't like the way it used to be in the kitchen, then we moved it to the back room. Or it didn't like the way we kept forgetting to feed it. (The other fish doesn't seem to mind.) Or it didn't like the way we never changed out the water. (The other fish doesn't seem to mind.) Whatever it was, the fish is now gone.

There was no grand funeral. I don't even think the girls will notice for a while. The fish was just scooped out, and tossed in the garbage. (You didn't really think I fried it up, did you?)

I didn't think that either fish would last nearly this long. Anyone need a fishbowl?

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