Sunday, March 02, 2008

2008 Goal update

  1. Post a goal update to the blog at least twice a month. 4 updates - Right on schedule.
  2. Don't let a post go by without some progress to report. You be the judge.
  3. Stain the play set. Spring, which is right around the corner.
  4. Finish the retaining wall. Spring, which is right around the corner
  5. Finish the mission journal. No progress.
  6. Build a bunk bed for Emma and Ruth. Late Spring.
  7. Stay under the 210 weight. Current weight - 207. I have eaten a few things that I shouldn't have this week which have given me some problems. I am thinking about going back to the strict version of the diet for a little while to see what comes of it again. (At least gets the aches to lessen...)
  8. Go to the temple at least once a month. We've gone twice this year so far. I had meant to ask my Dad for some family file cards before they left but it slipped my mind...
  9. Take Tara somewhere for our 10th wedding anniversary. No trip picked or booked yet.
  10. Read 18 books. Zero completed, but I'm (still) working on several. One of them is due back at the library in a week, so I need to sit down one night this week and finish it.
  11. Plant something other than tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, green beans and peas. I thought about buying some tomatoes from this week, I decided it was too early...

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