Monday, March 10, 2008

Good at washing cars, bad at starting them

Missy called this afternoon. She was around the corner from my office, and couldn't get Drew's car started. I gave her the gears about losing my good parking spot, and went over to help.

I got in Drew's car and turned the key. The car started right up. No problem. Missy's comment was "Why do they always start for you when they won't for me?" I didn't answer, even though I had one that almost came out. I'll share it with you:

"Because I know how to curse them out properly."

1 comment:

~ Amy said...

You should tell her that we had trouble starting it a few times. Sometimes it likes to think it isn't in park. So sometimes you have to push the shifter a little more forward (toward the dash). That seemed to work. Also having your foot on the brake while trying to start it seemed to help too.