Sunday, March 02, 2008

Life without Tara - day 5

The girls all got baths yesterday so this morning I just had to get them dressed for church. This was a piece of cake, since Kate picked them all dresses out (Their dresses from the wedding), and Missy stopped by to do their hair. We were all ready to go at about 8:40, so I gave them each a pop tart and loaded them in the van. The girls were good in church, I thought they were being a little noisy myself, but everyone around seemed impressed by how well they acted. (Our standards for "how children should behave at church" are pretty high. The girls seem to have been ok with the fact that I didn't bring anything for them to do in Sacrament meeting again...)

After church, we had lunch and everyone (including me) went down for naps. I don't know if Kate slept at all, but Mary and Ruth slept for a long time, Emma appears to have gone in to play with Lily. Lily didn't do so well the rest of the afternoon she may have been sleepy.

Missy and Steve came over for dinner, after I got Lily out of her crib, I fell asleep again, when Missy walked in, I woke up, and Lily had climbed up past the TV and was investigating the DVDs. Oops.

After dinner it was bedtime. (Exciting day, huh?) As of right now, Emma, Lily, and Kate are asleep. Mary and Ruth are having a hard time going to sleep, but they took the long naps. Oh well. I don't expect to see Ruth again because I told her if she came out of room again she would be sleeping in the little crib for the night I think she believed me on that one...

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