Friday, March 21, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt

Tomorrow morning we will have an Easter Hunt for the girls, like we do every year. Hopefully Lily figures out what is going on before all the eggs are gone.

We don't want the girls having too much sugar, we also don't want partially eaten candy all over the house. Last year this involved a fair amount of money. This year, I have 5 1/2 dollars, and 5 quarters. I put some candy in eggs, and decided to make little certificates for playing games on the Wii. The girls should enjoy that.

I decided that little slips of paper weren't quite good enough, so I made a bunch of Origami Bunnies out of them, them dropped them into the eggs. We'll see how it goes.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Is he the best, most creative dad or what? Origami rabbits, come on! His daughters definitely under appreciate him.(And he folded them all himself...they were a little too creative for my attention span. I did the shopping for the baskets.) Good work John Payne!!