Tuesday, March 18, 2008

backed up

I've been sick for the last few days, which has got me backed up on blog entries. I have a number of them bouncing around up there waiting to get out. There will be a number of them for today, just know that some are from stuff over the weekend.

Sometime around the middle of last week, I started to have pain in my gut. By Friday, it had settled in the lower right side of the gut. I had a little bit of a fever, no appetite, it hurt, etc. Saturday morning nausea was added to the mix and waste output from the gut had reduced to nothing, so I called the doctor who said I should head into the hospital to get checked out.

I spent most of the morning Saturday in the ER. The nurse guy tried putting in an IV in my right arm, but the vein burst. He ended up sticking it in the left arm. They ended up giving me pain medicine and nausea medicine. I had a CT scan, and some blood tests, none of the tests indicated appendicitis, so they sent me home.

I spent the rest of the day Saturday laying down. In the late evening, I was having problems again, so I took some more pain medicine and nausea medicine and went to sleep. It was still working it's way out of my system Sunday morning, I couldn't get out of bed.

I guess the real problem is that I was critically backed up. It's not completely out of the system yet. I was nauseous again yesterday, and stayed home from work. I was feeling hungry again late Monday night. Right now, my motto is "This too shall pass..."

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