Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Utah Jazz Game

Today I had a little work meeting at Energy Solutions Arena. (Known as the Delta Center to just about anyone.) An HP reseller, Zunesis, had one of the lead designers of a product called ServiceGuard come in to talk to some of us from 3 different companies (About 18 people). The presentation was interesting. To start his presentation, and to decide what to take the most time on, he asked each of us what we currently had for fail over and fault tolerance in our environments. One company talked about how they had purchased some things, but had struggled to get any traction on deployment. The other company said they had needs, but were just starting the process. He turned to us, and asked what we use, I said "2 monkeys and a ping pong ball." That got the reaction I was looking for from all over the room. Anyway, the presentation was more interesting than I was expecting. The training I am doing in NYC next week is on this product, and the presentation wasn't just a rehash of what I will get next week.
After the presentation, we were taken down to the floor of the arena, where the Utah Jazz were getting warmed up. It was interesting to walk all around the bowels of the place. I think the Jazz employee was delaying until our dinner was ready. We were all given personalized Jazz replica jerseys. Dinner was good, we had dinner and watched the game from one of the loge boxes that ring the arena. There was a lot of food, and I ate a lot. At halftime, Zunesis brought out 2 Jazz letterman jackets, a Jazz golf bag, and a basketball autographed by the entire current team. I won the basketball.
I figure the basketball will make it's way onto eBay when the Jazz are either kicked out of the playoffs, or when they make it to the finals. We really don't have a spot in the house to display this thing, and I can think of half a dozen different things to spend the money on off the top of my head if I sell it. I figure the end of the season or the start of the finals is a good time to post the auction. If they are in the finals or win it all, the value of the ball should go up some. (It's unclear to me at this point what the current value of the ball is, I think the jackets were $100 each, and the ball seemed to be much more expensive.) Anyway, we'll see. I might call the place that sold it tomorrow to see what it would go for. I do know that there were a lot of people paying attention to the basketball on our way out to the car tonight... What do you think? Is that a good time to sell the thing? What do people think it's worth?


KayStar said...

I feel sick that you are trying to sell that ball. it is in a good case you can find somewhere to put it, even if it is in the future. The ball might be worth a little bit, I don't think much,but it is a cool thing to show people when they come to your house. one day I will have a room with all my sports memoribalia. I vote keep it, but if you choose to sell it, let take a picture of it first.:-(

Anonymous said...

you should hope the Jazz win the championship this year. Do you have a certificate of authenticity?


jjp said...

I do have a certificate of authenticity...