Sunday, March 30, 2008

Church in Brooklyn

We drove into Brooklyn today to attend Rob's little branch there. We left an hour before he meeting time, to give us plenty of time to get there. We did pretty good until things started looking familiar, and I got off the freeway early (earlier than google maps wanted me to, anyway.) It turns out I got us off in Queens, not in Brooklyn. Was Broadway so important to these people that they had to have a Broadway street in 3 different boroughs, none of which have any relation to each other? Or is that what they mean by Off-Broadway? (Manhattan's Broadway is "Broadway", the one in Queens is "Off Broadway", and the one in Brooklyn is "Way Off Broadway"?) Anyway, Queens was nice, we spent our extra time getting back to where we were supposed to be and got to church right on time.

Sacrament meeting was interesting, (but not quite the "interesting" I would attach to a Fast and Testimony meeting in Buffalo...) there were some good testimonies that people went up to bear. After Sacrament meeting, Rob asked me to give the Sunday School lesson. (Even though we talked about last week, and he told me everything was covered, and there wouldn't be any surprise teaching opprotunities this time.) I ended up teaching the lesson, they were on Lesson 11 - 2 Nephi 31-33. (I don't know if our lesson at home is the same one, the Bishop asked us to start attending the temple prep course a couple of weeks ago...) I thought the lesson went pretty good today, there was good participation, and I don't think I rambled too much. I did at one point say "I grew up in Buffalo, NY. I guess that shows how long I have been out West. I should just say that I am from Buffalo, since you all know where that is." A lot of heads started nodding.

Rob invited us to go back to his house for a late lunch, but then he went and started some interviews. Jess wasn't feeling all that well, he was getting a migraine, and didn't really want to end up getting sick over at Rob's place, so we told Amy that we were going to go, went off to a little shop to get him some Excedrin, and took off.

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