Tuesday, March 11, 2008

It's against the law to be a slow eater

I ended up picking up Emma from preschool today, she wanted to go to my office after. She was good at the office, and for lunch we went to the creamery for a hamburger. (They have a kids meal that has a big cheeseburger, fries, a drink, and an ice cream. It's a big meal for a little girl.) Emma started on the drink and ice cream first, I figured I might as well get her the ice cream first since it was going to take a few minutes for them to cook her lunch. Emma ended up taking about 45 minutes to eat. This is not abnormal for her.

When we went out to the car, one of the University Traffic dudes (student employee, by the way) was standing behind the car writing up a ticket. I had been parked in the 30 minute zone. I asked him if he was just finishing up a ticket for me. Me said he was, I had been parked there for a while. I pointed ovder at Emma and said "She's a slow eater." I started getting her into the truck, the kid took the ticket and tore it up.
I thought that was nice of him, don't you?

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