Kinky Friedman
2 summers ago, Tara and the girls were off in Buffalo visiting, I was home working. One night I ended up at the Evan's for dinner, after dinner, they turned 60 Minutes on. One of the stories was about a guy named Kinky Friedman who was running for governor in Texas as an independant. We thought it was a joke at first, the guy seemed to run off at the mouth a lot, and was pretty irreverent.
It turns out he didn't win the election. I think what happened was that he wasn't done talking after the election was over, so he wrote this book. It's about what he thinks is wrong with politics (more specifically in Texas), why he didn't win, and what he thinks should happen to fix things. (He thinks there should be mandatory voting and legalized gambling, among other things.) I kind of think he's an odd duck myself.
I saw the book, remembered the 60 Minutes story, saw the book looked thin, and gave it a chance. It didn't take much to read, either in time or in brainpower. He seems to me to be one of those guys who stands against a lot of the things that are wrong in politics and government, but then opens his mouth and starts saying things that worry you just a little. Like the guy that ran for mayor here a couple of years ago.
I'll save you the time, unless you are really interested in this guy for some reason. The book is just him blowing off steam, he's clearly still got a chip on his shoulder from the election. He's got 2 other things he is doing, that he talks about in the book, and is worth mentioning: a habitat for horses, and a pet sanctuary for abused pets. Other than that, carry on, you can probably pass on this book.
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