Friday, March 07, 2008

Kindergarten program

Every year, the girl's school does a few things that are exactly the same from one year to the next. They have a festival at the end of the year, where each grade does a dance. The Kindergarten does the jello dance, 1st grade does the same, etc. It doesn't sound like they ever change. They have a kindergarten program that's the same way. The songs are the same, the program is the same, just different kids.

2 years ago, Kate was part of a "G". Mary had a signing part this year, but tonight, someone didn't show up. Mary's friend Todd Thomas was the other part of the "G", and needed help, so he got Mary to do it. Mary wasn't expecting it, so Todd Thomas talked her though it. Now we have to make sure Emma gets in line next year to be part of the "G".

I'd post a picture, but we didn't take our camera...

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