Saturday, March 01, 2008

Age of Empires

Dad, Dave and I played Age of Empires this morning. I was India, Dave was Japan. I don't understand still why Dave's dudes were so string against my dudes. It took a really long time for me to figure out which of my military units would not just get immediately wiped out by his guys. (This was a really expensive lesson.) I will have to try playing Japan sometime so that I understand what happened there.

At one point, I started attacking Dad's town center, but Dave kept causing problems on the other side of the map, so the most I damage I did to dad was knocking down one of his factories.

I didn't play very much of the last hour I was in the game. Lily had woken up, I had to change her diaper and get her a bottle. Then Ruth completely freaked out about an umbrella. (I think she's tired.) By the time I got back from dealing with Ruth, Dave had wiped me out...

Dad and Dave are still playing, I think it will be a while at this point, unless one of them just gets tired of it and quits.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Game just finished. It took a long time for me to break through all of the walls dad built. That was a really long game. It is 1:40 now and the game started a little after 9.