Friday, March 28, 2008

Trip alert

I am leaving for New York City in the morning. (Before it's light out.) I'm not sure all of what we will see, where all we will go, or what we will eat, but I will be sure to keep you updated here. We've got a 3rd guy going with us to the class, he's gonna be lost sometime during the first day, and I don't expect him to really get unlost. Maybe not, but I'm not holding my breath. He really doesn't have the prereqs for the class.

I thought I would try to get this guy to get this guy to eat something weird, but it sounds like he's a "meat and potatoes only" kind of guy. He also plans to spend his evenings in his room studying for a certification test he's taking soon, so he won't be tagging along much at night.

Anyway, no Age of Empires in the morning...

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