Monday, March 10, 2008

I just fool around all day....

There have been reports circulating around our house that I don't have a job. I'm not so sure about that. I seem to be pretty busy at work every, calling it not having a job might be stretching it just a little bit. Maybe it was that little bit of time Emma spent with me at my office while Tara was gone. Emma got to play and watch TV while I worked on the most important tasks on my list of 20 things that had to get done. Or maybe she just doesn't see the backbreaking work of sitting at a computer all day as doing anything.

Anyway, the girls also don't seem to have any clue about how much money I make or where it all goes. For FHE tonight, we talked about these things. We also talked to the girls about our plan for the next couple of years. They seem to be ok with it. I don't really think we squashed the idea that I don't have a job...

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