Sunday, March 02, 2008

Random thoughts by me

I thought I'd give a go at trying to create a blog entry the way my little brother would do it. Let me know how I did. "See also: Andy Rooney"

I don't understand how the CW network is still in existence. It's there as a merger between UPN and WB but it's not like the shows are any good on that channel. They have one popular show, "Smallville", everything else is just junk. (Go ahead, name some other show on the CW you think you like, I'll still stick with my story...) It was the same back in the day on UPN, the only show they had was "Voyager". Look where they got them when that show ended and they decided to end "Enterprise" after 4 years...

I don't understand sometimes why little kids just keep going and going and going, even when they are tired. I understand why teenagers and young adults do it, I certainly have had more than my fair share over the years. (Once I played spades for 36 hours straight, just not with the same people the whole way through. That doesn't even touch some of the things I have done for work... ) Last night a certain 4 year old was in her room having a good old time until about midnight. She was tired, she just wouldn't sit still long enough to sleep. I had all the lights in the house off, but that didn't help matters. She stopped coming out when I told her I would confiscate the light in her room if she didn't go to bed, but I still heard her carrying on in there for quite some time. She was the first one out of bed this morning. Shouldn't she sleep when she's sleepy? You'd think she would save her energy for the daylight hours when she can do whatever she wants...

Steve told me that Macey's is running a case lot sale right now. It's bad for him, he's in charge of aisle 5 - canned goods. The case lot sale is mostly about canned goods, so he gets slammed by it. I think we will have to check out the price of wipes, we need to get more, and usually they are a good deal for a box of them at the case lot sale. The sale in the Winter isn't so bad, they keep all the stuff in the store. I don't really like the one they do in the summer, they end up with cases and cases and cases of food outside in the blazing heat. Who wants to buy a case of cans of beans that's been baking in the sun for a week. You'd think they never heard of the word "botulism."

I don't understand people who want to see the Stake President sometimes. Too many of them call and want an appointment, but they call with a particular day and time already set in their minds, no matter what else is going on or what the President's schedule is like. They will call, I will suggest a time, and I get "Can he do it Sunday afternoon? I have 'such and such' on Tuesday night." Then they start digging in their heels. Some of these people are those getting married. You'd think if they were doing something as important as getting married, they would make the time to get where they need to be, and not be difficult about it. Equally annoying are the people that wait until the absolute last minute to call for an appointment. "We are getting married in 2 days and need to meet with the Stake President." Whenever these people call, I think "You think you're getting married, huh? I hope it all works out for you." It seems silly to put these things off until the last minute.

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