Saturday, March 11, 2006

The Ghost of Christmas Past

Ruth got a popup Christmas book from her Grandma for Christmas. She loves it. It makes noises as you turn the pages, and to date, she's only torn 2 pieces out of it. The book is well loved.

There has been a sometimes disturbing "ghost in the machine" thing going on with the book lately, though. If you open it, or set something on it, near it, or acroos the room from it, look at it funny, or anything else, it starts going "Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho, Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho. Opening the book sometimes stops it, closing the book sometimes stops it, hiding the book under the couch doesn't stop it, but makes it so you don't hear it... Tonight it started out of the blue, has been going for about an hour now. I know I should just get a screwdriver out and pull the batteries, but I can't find any of the ones that are the right size. I think I may have just barely convinced the thing that it was in it's best interests to stop, we'll see if that sticks.

(It's not that we don't like the thing, Ruth LOVES it. Lately it has been intruding where it's not wanted, though. Kind of like my cell phone at 2am last Tuesday...)

1 comment:

Mom said...

Sorry, didn't know it was possessed when I sent it.....