Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Next Week - Vacation.

And I plan to take full advantange of it.

I had scheduled my trip around Stake meetings and interviews. Turns out the Stake president has also scheduled a vacation for that week, but from the 5-12 of April. This means I could have left a day early. It's probably for the best, I have a LOT to do at work, every day from now to next Wednesday will be packed. I will pack my bags next Wednesday evening, if I forgot to pack something, I'm sure I can mooch off of Darren. Along those lines, I hear a lot of complaints/comments/snide remarks about the ties I own. (These come from the Stake President, certain High Councilmen, my wife, the 2 year old {comments only from her, she actually likes my ties}, people on the street.) Anyone want to loan me a tie for the baby blessing so that years from now, she doesn't look at the pictures and say: "What's that tie Uncle John is wearing? That thing sure is ugly."

The tie I intend to bring with me is the one pictured here. If this is acceptable or nearly acceptable to everyone, please keep the comments to a minimum or at least whisper them to the person next to you, I don't want to hear it...

Anyway, I promised suprises or presents for all when I come. The list I currently have is: Mom and Dad and the Kriegers. Did I miss someone?


~ Amy said...

I think Dave is coming too...

Dave said...

Yep, I am coming, and I can bring an extra tie too. Dad likes barrowing my ties.