Thursday, March 16, 2006

A sign of Spring

Kate has show and tell on Fridays. This week's theme is "A sign of Spring". Kate to Tara she was going to bring a teddy bear to show and tell. When pressed, Kate said "Bears wake up from hibernation in the Spring, and you see them then, so you know it's Spring."

This leads to a few observations. One, Kate seems to be a couple of turns down the road. Meaning, instead of bringing flowers or plants or whatever, she's thought about things a little, been down that road, and thought of something else that happens. It's like bringing a glass of dirty water and saying that the snow all melted. I can appreciate that kind of thinking. Two, she still seems to have hibernating on the brain. When she was three she told us in the late Winter or early Spring she told us something about hibernating and waking up from it. Some sort of theme.

My sign of Spring: One, our forsithia bush will bloom soon. The growth has started, all the buds are getting bigger. The branches touching the bedroom window have already bloomed. (I must be losing a lot of heat out that window...) Two, our grass is almost completely green now. That doesn't say a whole lot, the people on the right and left still have browned late winter grass, not greened up yet, but the lawn treatment service has already been out this year to spray. I need to start thinking about aerating the lawn soon.

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