Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Neighbors are moving

Our neighbors are moving to Arizona. They will very shortly put their house up for sale. This worries us a little.

We have been lucky so far, very nice and fairly quiet people have lived all around us. For a year or so, The only person we had living in the 5 houses ajoining us (3 behind, one on each side) was an older lady to the North East of us. Things were very quiet then. The only problem with that was that we once had a cat dumped near us in the middle of the winter, it yowled for quite a while.

It wasn't always that way. When we first moved in, the people behind us had 4 dogs. (City code says 2 maximum, by the way.) We had an old wodden picket fence, they would sit there and stare at us all the time. After a while, they started knocking down slats and leaving presents in the yard. My brother was living with us, he brought in a dog who we could keep tied up, more slats were broken. This factor more than any other was what caused us to put up our fence when the neighbors did. Tara's only regret is that we didn't go 6 foot privacy all the way around.

Back to the neighbors house. What we don't want is to have people buy the house and rent it out to loud students/people or to people who don't make us comfortable. If you are out there, and are thinking about moving, you all seem like nice people, how about moving in next door to us?

There are 2 jobs currently open here in IT. One is with the CS department, running their infrastrure. It closes tomorrow. The other opened today, is open for 2 1/2 weeks, and is for our department. This new one is 2 pay levels above mine. (No, I'm happy with what I am doing.) It's a director level postion over the Network Engineers, Network Implementation, Desktop distribution, and Desktop client services(? I'm not exactly clear on what that last group does. They made VMWare images of some clients with different browsers for people to test with, but I don't really think anyone used it...)



Mom said...

Did you tell Dad about that 2nd job?

Anonymous said...

i don't qualify for either, sorry.
