Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Time to talk to the doctor again

Last time I went to the doctor, they raised my thyroid medicine and split the dose. He split the dose so that I could take half first thing in the morning and half around lunchtime, hoping it would help later in the day. Lately I have been having a hard time taking both doses. On Saturday, I only took 1 dose. (I was very run down by night time.) On Sunday, I forgot the second dose and went home during Sunday School to take it. On Monday, I had the second dose in my pocket until 5pm, when I remembered it. This morning, I took the wrong thing with me and missed the second dose. I keep getting into the evening and wonder why I am tired until I find out that I messed up my medicine again.

I sort of dislocated my shoulder yesterday, I think. Not completely, more like a partial one. It comes and goes, then sometimes REALLY comes, then goes. I keep trying to pop it all the way back, but so far it hasn't happened. I get it so it's ok for a little while, then I do something and hurt it again. If it would go all the way, I could get it back in, or not get it back in and have it hurt enough to go see the doctor. (Not that I want it to go all the way, it would also be nice for it to just stop hurting outright.)

If it bothers me enough, then I might consider going in...

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