Thursday, March 30, 2006

I need a new bed

I switched sides of the bed with Tara last night. I did this because of my hurt shoulder, Tara wanted to not be near it.

I have been complaining about our bed for months. Tara didn't believe me, but last night she found out. My side of the bed is shot. In fact, we have been flipping the mattress, there are a number of parts of the bed that are shot. I slept well last night, being on Tara's side of the bed. At least until Emma came in at "it's so early I can't get my eyes open" o'clock, laid down on the floor, and started singing to us. This wouldn't have been so bad, but she really doesn't have a good volume control, and she gets a little mixed up with her lyrics. But I digress.

Anyhow, it's time to start saving up for a new bed. That's what I get for being a heavy sleeper.

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