Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

We went to see the Narnia movie tonight. It was at the Varsity, $5 for the lot of us. The girls really liked it, but Kate was saying after that it was a little scarier than the old one she watched, because in the old one, the monsters looked like people with costumes, and these ones were computer animated, and they looked real. (Who taught her the term 'computer animated'?) Mary spent a couple of scenes with her ears plugged and her head in her lap so she wouldn't see.

Ruth threw up all over Tara twice in middle of the show, Tara ended up leaving to go home.

We had french fries after the show while waiting to get picked up.

Tara cleaned herself and the baby up, Mary was upset when she got home that she couldn't brush her teeth. (The sink was full of clothes waiting to go in the washer, which had clothes waiting to go in the dryer, which had clothes that were not dry.) I took the girls out on the porch with a bottle of water, had them brush their teeth, then rinsed and had them spit out into the yard. I think they really enjoyed that.

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