Thursday, March 02, 2006

A window seat

I really like sitting by the window. I don't think the students like sitting by the door all that much.

One of the students set up his gigantic monitor right in the spot that my laptop used to sit. At lunchtime, someone put their lunch in the microwave, and the screen on his monitor started shaking like it had hypothermia. We figured it was plugged into the same circuit, and that was what was causing the shaking, and we plugged it into another power strip. The shaking continued.

The student is a little worried about the microwaves leaking out of the thing. We will probably have to move the microwave.

This may explain all the problems my laptop have had. Maybe the microwave was nuking the thing.

I still like my window seat.


Anonymous said...

what are you talking about? seat at work or in a class?


Anonymous said...

nevermind. i tend to read from bottom down, not from date up.