Sunday, July 16, 2006

And I thought Priesthood meeting in Buffalo was bad...

So, I went to a couple of weeks of church in Buffalo. Mainly this included Ruth not allowing me to sit in the EQ room. One Sunday, I tried to wait for something like 20 minutes for the lesson, it never really came. Tom indicated afterwards that he really didn't know what the lesson was about.

When I came back the 2nd time, I think Ruth was happy enough to see me that she didn't mind sitting there for a little while, at least until she started throwing everything she could get her hands on into the garbage... That Sunday, the Elder's Quorum president was teaching a lesson about the 1st Article of Faith. (I hadn't seen the July Ensign yet...) I thought it was strange, but President Hinkley's article was actually pretty interesting. (I can't say about the EQ lesson, he was just warming up...)

Anyhow, this Sunday, I was ready for a nice Elder's Quorum lesson. Tara taught the lesson in Relief Society. I read over her shoulder, it sounded pretty interesting, so I was ready for it. I got into the room, sat Ruth on the chair next to me, and she laid her head down on my lap and fell asleep. I thought "This is perfect, now I can sit here for the lesson." Once they got started, our Elder's Quorum president got up, and talked about the lesson the week before. (They had a lesson on Depression and other disorders.) He said "In leiu of the lesson, we are going to continue the disccusion from last week." The teacher got up and said "Some of you were bored last week, that's ok. Some of you may be bored again this week..." (Not the desired start I was hoping for.) Needless to say, they didn't really bring the Gospel into the discussion at all. We talked about the biology of depression, the signs of emminant suiside, that kind of thing.

What about "Remembering Our Spiritual Heritage"? It's now gone forever. Either that or we will not have the Teachings for our Times lesson next week. (It's provided by the Stake, maybe I should email the copy of the lesson over to him tonight. Nothing like a subtle hint...)

Out EQ president had an interview with a member of the Stake Presidency after the meeting. I thought about mentioning the lesson to President Hales, but when he came in, he went over to the copier room and got some stuff to go over, they included the recent letter we did on teaching/staying on topic/inviting the spirit/etc. I figure he had it under control.

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