Friday, July 21, 2006

Being lazy

I went to work today at about 10:00. At 11, a couple of people came in looking to find out 'what changed'. (There stuff breaks, they assume we changed something. We always tell them when a change is going to happen..) They figured things stopped working at 9:45 or so. I told them I woke up at 9:30, and was in the shower then, so if something changed, it wasn't me that did it.

We also had a machine in the build that was hacked and was scanning all it's neighbors. We first tracked it down to one of the other offices, then it came back 30 minutes later. One of our students was the culprit. People were not happy with him, but I think they are over it.

After that, I worked on my regular Friday report for the project that may eventually suck all the life out of me.

At noon, we were supposed to have curry soup at noon (made by Sorrel). The soup was delayed because the crock pot blew a curcuit, we had to find a key to the electrical closet. (I think the theory is that if there's some sort of fire, and it involves electrical, they really want the building to go up in flames, so they lock that closet so that we can't get in... Several years ago, when the preschool was in the building, they started a fire in the kitchen. (burned toter tots) Everyone was upset at the guy who put the fire out.) Anyway, Sorrel go the stuff done, it was good.

After lunch, I played an hour of Zoo Tycoon. I figured I hadn't spent enough time on it lately...

I can home at 1:30, and was going to mow the lawn, but Tara convinced me that it was too hot out for that, I made banana bread and read my Sports Illustrated and my book. Later, we had dinner, then I mowed the lawn.

Our house is finally quiet, the girls having finally gone to sleep. Maybe I will to.

(Did you expect excitement from a post that contained the word 'lazy' in it?)

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