Thursday, July 06, 2006

Nauvoo (Day 2)

Today we went to see the "Just plain Anna Amanda" show. The girls really liked it. (It was a kids show after all.) We didn't pick up tickets for the Horse drawn carriage ride, so we had a little time to kill before the ride that had available space.

It was hot, we decided to go eat lunch. (It was also noon. We got a little bit of a late start.) We went to Uncle John's Cafe. The place also did not accept plastic, I had to first find an ATM before lunch. On getting into the restaurant, I told the counter girl we had 40 minutes and asked if that was enough time to eat. She said "No, unless you want the special." This is what we wanted anyway, so we moved ahead. Turns out the special is a lunch 'buffet'. You can get an entree, salad, roll, and drink. We went over to the buffet counter, they asked us want we wanted, and placed it on a plate for us. The food looked suspisously like the food we had for dinner across the street last night. In fact, it looked and tasted exactly like the food we had last night. It was still good, but I thought it was kind of funny. (funny ha-ha and funny weird.)

Anyway, after lunch, we went on the carriage ride. They took us all through the restored section of Old Nauvoo. We at least got to see and hear about all the buildings, if we don't make it to them. We also went through the section owned by the Community of Christ church. It's kind of too bad. They have some fairly important buildings from the Nauvoo period, they don't let people into most of them. I hear that you can pay $2 per person, they take you on a tour, and let you into 2 of buildings. You would think they could work something out where they work with the Church, get the buildings restored to the point they are nice, and the Church gives them some sort of stipend and gets them to stop charging. Then more people come by their part of town, and they get to have those important buildings taken care of. We didn't end up going back down there today, and likely won't have time tomorrow.

After the carriage ride, we went down to the wainwright/blacksmith shop. From there, we worked our way up Main street ending up at the gunsmith shop. Tomorrow, we plan to park at the Cultural Hall, and make our way back to the middle.

After dinner (don't get excited, it was peanut butter and jelly sandwiches), we went to the "Sunset by the River" show. It was an old time hoedown/novelty act show. They had it indoors because of the Pagent, which was doing a dress rehersal tonight. It was pretty good, Ruth, Emma, and Mary all fell asleep, Kate really enjoyed it.

After getting the girls in bed (not asleeep, that may still require some time, they are in there wispering to each other), I slipped out to go get bread, milk, and something tasty. I didn't want to drive 1 hour round trip, we figured it would cost more in gas than the markup for the items in the local food mart. Unfortunately, at 9:37 pm, there isn't much open in Nauvoo. Food supplies will need to be readdressed early tomorrow morning. (Although the need for 'something tasty' may have waned by then.)

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