Friday, July 14, 2006


I am starting to develop a unibrow. It's hard to see, being blond or semi blond hair, but it's there. Tara says it's not a unibrow, she says there is hair there, but it's not growing all the way across. Just you watch, it's going to grow in, be nice and bushy, and 5 years from now, while I am asleep, I will be violently awoken to Tara plucking the hair out with tweezers. She also wants to pluck my nosehair and earhair while she is at it. She says the only good thing about the mustache I used to have was that the nose hair blended in.

To top it off, my eyebrows are starting to grow also. I was at the barber 6 months ago, (they are trying to change the name to "barbershop and salon", but I am pretending the 'salon' part does not exist...) he asked if I wanted my eyebrows trimmed. This suprised me, I didn't know I needed it. I need it again. I have a couple of hairs that keep flopping down and poking me in the eye.

When I get older, I expect to look like one of the 2 pictures below.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Laughing my butt off! Where did this kid come from????