Monday, July 17, 2006

So initial reports are that the hand isn't broken...

...but I'm not yet convinced. Maybe I should have titled the thing "What I get for talking bad about Elder's Quorum lessons."

This morning at work, I was really wishing I was not there. Way too many people pestering me for help, way too many of them could have taken care of their problem themselves. Finally, someone at work called the guy next to me to ask a question that was really directed at me, and it was a question that should not have been asked. I was helping someone else with a problem they could not fix themselves, and politely excused myself. I went out in the hall, where there are rows of metal lockers that haven't been used in 15 years, and never will be. I started beating on a couple of them, until I landed one that hurt.

After fixing the one problem, my hand really hurt. Within 30 minutes or so, I had left for home. Tara had gone to the movies with the girls, my doctor's office keeps their phones off from noon to 2pm. At 2:15, I had iced my hand down pretty good, but I couldn't make a fist, spread it out all the way or hold anything over 2 pounds without shooting pain. I called the doctor, and went in.

The guy that saw me thought the thing was broken. (My pinkie was numb by then.) unfortunately, their X-ray machine was busted, I had to go somewhere else for that. I found Tara, she took me down to radiology. They took an xray, eventually came back and said they talked to the nurse at my doctors office, the thing showed the fusion was ok, and no initication of a fracture. The nurse said I could be sent home. (That's what I like, tough love. In the interim, Tara had been making fun of me/suggesting anger management class so I no longer hurt myself, etc. My boss called to laugh at me. The lady who checked me into radiology at the hospital got her digs in too. I only imagine was else would have come along had I gotten a cast, but that's ok, I probilbly deserve it...)

Anyway, at this point, it still hurts like crazy. It's still sensitive to the touch, and while I can make a fist, I can't make a tight one. I can not put any pressure on the wrist, and I have long since stopped trying to hold objects with weight.

We'll see what tomorrow brings, I'll give it 8 days before I go for a 2nd opinion.


Mom said...

uh, huh, I think maybe anger management sessions wouldn't be such a bad idea. And, I wouldn't wait 8 days to see if it's broken... get the xrays and take them over to John Bishop -- he's the hand man.

Anonymous said...

how's the hand now?
