Monday, July 10, 2006

New book idea

I had a dream last night. This is signifigant in a couple of ways. For one thing, I slept well enough to dream. I don't think this was the case all that much last year. Second, I remembered it. Maybe that means I got woken up before I was ready, I don't know.

Anyhow, I was dreaming that I was a baseball player. The dugout was behind the plate, there was no catcher. (Making for an interesting situation if the batter missed the ball.) Come to think of it, there was also no umpire.

I had been heckling the pitcher, he was getting ticked off. The batter was on crutches, we really needed a hit. A pitch was a fastball right of my head. I continued to heckle, then leaned forward to the batter and whispered to him that the next pitch would be a fastball right at my head. He smiled, turned to the batter, and got a hit. Being on crutches, we started waddling to first, then dropped the crutches to go faster. The ball went all the way to the wall, the hitter made it to first, the guys on second and third scored, and we won the game.

That got me to thinking. I could write a book set 25 years in the future. There is no ump because it's all computerized, and they are not needed. Baseball is broken up into lots of local teams, no more minor leagues. People don't make as much as they used to, but lots more people could play. All batters sit in a batters box behind home plate, and snag an balls that get by the hitter. It goes on.

Not sure if it's a good idea for a book, but I have 2 other books to write first anyway: "John Payne, Mission Memiors" and "John Payne - The (single) college years". Once I get done with that, maybe I'll move on to "Baseball - the year in review: 2035". (I need a better name, huh?)

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