Saturday, July 29, 2006

New kitchen set

Tara has been looking for a few weeks for a table and chairs for the girls. She was enamored with the one Mom had in Buffalo. After further review, selection is limited and expensive, at least around here. Toys R Us had a table with 2 chairs for $25. We ended up getting 2, so that we would have enough chairs, mostly, but the 2 tables together looks like it has enough room that the girls will not be all on top of each other. The only problem with the table is the slightly intense look on his face. Hopefully we can turn it into something like "Superman wants you to eat your dinner. So eat, or else..."
Having started the rearranging of the kitchen, I had to finish. I moved the other table out, and moved our old table back in. We can all eat in the same room again, (we could have all eaten in the back room before, but who wants the girls eating back there?) it's kind of nice. If you come over to eat - kids in the kitchen, adults in the back room, same as before.

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