Thursday, July 27, 2006

More on the hand

I went to see my hand surgeon today, my hand still hurt. (I said "It hurts when I do this." He said "Don't do that.")

Anyway, I went in, the nurse said "It's been 3 1/2 years since you have been here." I said "Isn't that a good thing?" (Maybe they missed my money...) She asked me what the problem was, I told that 10 days ago, I got mad at work and tried to beat the tar out of a locker. She asked me if I know how stupid that was, I let her know that plenty of people had been reminding me.

The doctor poured over the xrays with me. (That's one of the things I like about those guys, they bring the xrays in and go over them with you.) His diagnosis - contusion of the bone. He figures swelling is pincing a nerve that makes the finger go numb from time to time.

They told me that if it still hurts on Labor Day, I should come back in to see them. (Oh goody.)

He prescribed some painkiller, I told him I really didn't need it, the pain wasn't that bad. (At least not on my scale...) I don't think I will go fill it. Maybe a little pain in my hand for a little while will make me think twice about trying to bash the crap out of a solid object again.

They gave me a brace to wear for a little while, but pretty much all in all, I was basically told to suck it up and stop whining...

1 comment:

Mom said...

glad it's not broken..... don't try to beat the crap out of anything for awhile, ok? You know, we used to know this Tongan family that had a little girl named Ivey who had a terrible biting habit.... they carried a pillow around for her so that she would have something realitively safe to bite when she got mad.... something to think about.