Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Restaurant Review

PF Chang's China Bistro (Takeout)

I didn't know this place had a takeout. I went up there after Stake interviews tonight. Reason #1 was that I had only had a Michelina's Budget Gormet dinner (Swedish meatballs - The meal on the package looked like it tasted about a hundred times better that the one inside...), which didn't really fill me up. In fact, I don't think it did any good at all. Reason #2 was that somewhere along the way, Drew gave Tara a PF Chang's gift certificate. It had $10 on it, and was set to expire at the end of the month. Reason #3 was the the gift card had been through the laundry a couple of times, washer and dryer, so I wanted to see if there was going to be an incident with the slightly warped card. (No incident occured.)

Well, I got lettuce wraps and hot and sour soup for Tara, and picked out some sort of beef with carrots and celery entree. It was all pretty good, I kind of wish they had packaged more chili sauce and chinese mustard, that stuff will clear out anything that's ailing you. (In fact, I should have mentioned something like that to Ken D. Ken, go out and have either a bunch of spicy horseradish or some good wasabi. You'll feel better.)

Tara had already eaten dinner, but was ready for round 2. We have leftovers...

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