Monday, July 24, 2006

Nearly a full day off

If it weren't for being oncall, and getting one call at the movies, I wouldn't have thought about work at all. Or nearly not at all.

This morning, bright and early, Emma and I fired up Zoo Tycoon 2. I finally got that elusive Panda Bear, and finished the scenario.

We went to the movies at 1pm "The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl: 3D" Lets just say you can leave this fine piece of cinematography right where it lies...

We went to a baseball game tonight. The home team won 3-2 in 10 innings. We planned to leave if they didn't win in the 10th... They had fireworks after the game.
The fireworks weren't up to my standards, but my standards for firework displays were set very, very high in 1989. I was at the National Scout Jamboree. They did a fireworks display at an arena they have there. It was pretty impressive. For about 10 minutes, they had the sky completely lit up end to end, and that wasn't the grand finale. Anyway, nothing will likely ever come close again, unless our city here comes under cannon bombardment from the city to the North.

It was just about right for the girls, not too long, not too loud...

The girls got free jerseys from the team, the first 500 kids got one. Some people waited in line for 1 1/2 hours (In the heat...) to get theirs. We waited for about 10 minutes. By the time we got to the front, they only had XL kids sizes. We gave Ruth's jersey to Tara's brother to take back to France to his girl. Someday we hope to Americanize her, but we're not holding our breath...

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